This date forever changed my life, my thinking, my love, my outlook. Tate Anderson Bass was born.
Now since it has obviously been a while since I have updated my blog, let me fill in the blanks:
The last time I had seen my docotor she told me she thought I would not make it to my due date of March 11. I was excited to hear that because I had been told he was healthy and I was so anxious to finally see him. So, the anticipation began. I continued to work and my normal routine. As it was time for the rodeo to kick off, I was working really late hours and some weekends. The morning of February 19, I got up early to go to Reliant Center to coordinate a School Art contest. I secretly packed an overnight bag in hopes I would go into labor and have him on that day so that he might share a birthday with my Papaw. It didn't work out that way.
I pressed on and got all of my display areas set up for the rodeo. I even got on a forklift once or twice while we prepared to open. I packed my things and moved into the hotel room that was the same distance from Reliant Stadium as it was from Texas Womens Hospital where I was due to deliver. I made it through intern orientation, numerous horticulture contests, the school art awards ceremony, Ag4U Day, and the Floriculture Face Off. All of which required countless hours of work and time. But I could see the light at the end of the tunnel as my doctor had planned to induce labor on March 10. I still hoped something would happen before then.
Alan's parents came to Houston on March 8. It was good to visit with them and have some dinner away from the Show grounds as I had become completely exhausted with work and my feet/ankles were the same size as my thighs from all of the walking. Alan and I even had to go to Payless to buy me shoes 2 sizes bigger than what I normally wear due to the swelling. Friday, March 9 I returned to work, had some lunch on the grounds with Alan, Gary and Linda, and then wrapped up in the office and said my goodbye's to my co-workers. That night was pure misery. I had never been so sore, so uncomfortable, so listless. I was so greatful the next day was THE day.
Just as my doctor had told me, at 5AM we received a phone call from the hospital. "When can you be here?" I said "in 1 hour." Alan called his parents, I called mine, we jumped in the shower, loaded the car and drove the 2 miles down the street to the hospital. Within the hour of arriving, I was checked in, changed into a gown and they had started a petocin drip. I became a little panicky. I remembered thinking, aren't we missing a step? Is this really happening right now? Already???? It was true....except for the "already" part.
I began with my first nurse, Melissa. She got me all settled in and then at 7AM, Hannah, the next nurse arrived. I must admit I was a little nervous because she was so young (Aggie class of '08...oy) but she did a great job. After speaking to my mom, she had planned to sleep until about 8am, then come to the hospital. At 8 am she walked in the room. Her answer was she could not sleep. I was glad she was there even though she couldn't do a thing for the fear of the unknown I was feeling. Gary and Linda arrived shortly there after. I was beginning to feel a little more uncomfortable but Hannah assured me I really needed to be FEELING the contractions before we went for the epidural. Around 10 or 11 my spitfire OB arrived and asked why I had not yet gotten an epidural. ?????? WEll if that is an option, let's do it! Everyone cleared the room but me, Hannah, and the guy giving the epidural. He asked "is this your first time?" Which I responded, "yes, is it yours????" He smiled and the actual injection wasn't as terrible as I thought it might be.The rest of the day was a waiting game. Kayla and Travis arrived, my Dad and Lexi. I spent the rest of the day sleeping, eating popsicles and getting checked every 3 hours. Blaine, Jaime and Katie arrived later that evening, a new nurse arrived for her shift at 7PM and at 8PM, it was time to push. (I was secretly hoping to have a few more hours of rest because I had not slept that well since before I was pregnant.)
It was time! In the room stood Alan, the nurse and Dr. Leeds-Richter (my spitfire OB as I mentioned before.) She had told me that a new mother earlier that week had taken 4 hours of pushing to deliver her baby, so it could take a little while. As the words came out of her mouth, I decided I was NOT going to be that girl. As I pushed, I could tell things were going a little quicker than expected. My doc hurried to scrub up and get her gown on while my nurse kept telling me not to push while she and Alan looked at each other like this kid could fall on the floor at any second. The doc was ready to go again as a team of what seemed like 10 entered the room. I pushed 3 more times and at 8:42PM I saw his face for the first time. He sat on my chest for about 30 seconds before the TCH heart team took him away to check him out. I had a feeling of sheer shock more than anything. I had just had a baby and after all of this time, I got to see his sweet little swollen face and hear his quiet little cry for the first time. Unbelievable.
And since this date, my life has forever, unbelievably, and joyously changed. 3-10-12 /8 lbs 15oz
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